Gävle Castle
Gävle Castle is a castle located on the south side of the river Gavleån, at the Castle Square in Gävle in Gästrikland. It is...
10 Things Not to Do in Bangkok
Whitewater Rafting Day Trip from NYC
Meet at West 45th Street and 11th Avenue and board the bus for world-renowned Hunter Mountain. Many consider Hunter,...
Central Skellefteå
Here in central Skellefteå you will find the Square of Opportunities and, among other things, Malmia Hotel.
Best Western Malmia Hotel (visitskelleftea.se)
Travel guides
Sundsvall City Hall
Sundsvall City Hall is a building located at the southern end of Stora torget in Stenstan, Sundsvall, Sweden. The building was used as a...
Top Reasons to Go to Stockholm
Scandinavian architecture
From the moment you are going to see Stockholm, you’ll be impressed by its unique blend of old and new. The city is...
10 Best Caribbean All-Inclusive Resorts for 2015
Shark diving without a cage. Sounds insane, right? That's what I thought too. Turns out sharks aren't the terrifying monsters we think they are.